Hello My Name Is: Asmoe

Name: Asmoe
Crew: Medium Touch / ZNC
City/Country: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
When did you start writing? Started to paint on walls since 2011.
What’s graffiti for you?
For me Graffiti is a game. It is a game that requires you to craft and embellish your own character, styles and skills. An interactive game that connects players from all over the world using their own languages. A game that demands perseverance & determination throughout the journey. An addictive game that will haunt you forever. That’s graffiti for me.
Mostly from the western nations. Their characters are very strong and solid. I took it as an inspiration to develop my own style and identity.
Tell us about your city, how is life and graffiti there?
Kuala Lumpur is one of the well-developed cities in the world. We have tons of walls here, big and small, legal and illegal walls, you name it! However, our scene is quite small as compared to other countries. But when it comes to skills & executions, I can say that now we are at the level where we too, are capable to produce top notch productions.
What keeps you still writing?
Endless experimentations of playing with my own name & alphabets that creates endless possible styles exhilarate me. And a lot of my friends from all over the world keep burning, so that’s what triggered my resolve to never stop painting.
What first made you interested in graffiti and how did you end up on that track?
Hip Hop & R&B music videos & movies. They made me fall in love with Graffiti. I started to sketch. I keep on practicing even though my letters were total wack back then! I’m so grateful I ended up where I am now.
What trends are you seeing now in the graffiti world that you don’t like?
Now, I see Graffiti has become a powerful art movement, where writers can share their artworks without limitations through social media. However, a lot of new, so called ‘graffiti writers’ become biters, as they tend to copy 100% from what they see online, in order to ‘get up’ quickly. I can’t say I favor this scene much.
How would you describe your style?
Basically my style is all about dancing letters, where in every piece, I try to play with the composition, connection and energy of each alphabet. It’s like semi-wild style, where the letters are still visible and strong even after you take out all the extensions and arrows in them. So that’s how it is.
Can you remember the first piece you did?
The first piece I ever did was at the backyard of my house, where my dad scolded me for destroying our house walls hahaha.
What do you do when you’re not painting?
I’m a full time Architect now, working in a local Architect firm. Sometimes, it is pretty hard for me to seek times to paint, as the work load is tremendous. The only time I manage to paint is during the weekends.
Future plans?
Travel & paint. To see the world through graffiti & architecture lenses. And give my best shot in becoming a great Architect & Designer for my people.
Do you adapt your pieces and tags to the spot/surface?
Usually I will sketch on papers first. When I paint on walls, I will improvise my sketches as per wall conditions and sizes. For me, my wall piece doesn’t have to be exactly the same as my paper sketches. We can always improvise; that’s where the creative process takes place.
What do you think about the new generation of writers in your city?
Due to strong influence from social media, I think newcomers will definitely see graffiti as a platform for them to get famous and to get commission work. They tend to forget the rules, knowledge & vocabulary of Graffiti itself. Maybe they should avoid mere, excessive influence from the net and start to do some homework to get it right.
What are the best and worst aspects of graffiti?
The Best: When you can get in touch with your childhood idols and paint with them. That will be the best. The Worst: Unable to finish my piece on time.
Who do you paint for?
I paint for myself, friends and my beloved country, Malaysia ☺
What writers have inspired you?
Kems, Geser, Phat1, Mower, Mites, Skore79, Storm and my local writers as well, Katun, Siek, Mozak, Nestwo and Akid One.
Can you ever feel tired of graffiti?
No man. When I’m not painting on walls, I sketch. When I don’t have time to sketch, I think of my letters. Hahaha I guess I just can’t get enough of Graffiti. It’s too good. What do you hope people will think and feel when they see your stuff? I hope they will see my style, letters connection, flow and form. Plus I hope they will enjoy my colour choices, character & identity through my piece.
Spray Paint: MTN Hardcore
City: Indonesia
Markers/pens: MTN Water Based
Surface: Raw walls / Raw concrete Wall
Cap: Standard Hardcore Cap & Skinny Banana
Instagram: @Asmoeroc
Website: www.isuu.com/amirulshah
Facebook: Asmoe Roc