Name: Azit Crews: FK (Forever Kids) MSI (Men’s Secret Identity) City/Country: Copenhagen, Denmark When did you start writing? 1994 What’s graffiti for you? Graffiti is…
Name: Emerald, also known as Echo or Lady Echo. (Also paint the words EchOiL, Dulce, and Honey)City/Country: Originally from Miami, once based in NYC, now based in…
Denmark–Gang graffiti has been found in the small village of Denmark in Brown County. Symbols and letters were spray painted on homes, cars and businesses.…
Name: Relay 415Crew: ID, COM & HA’sCity/Country: Hamburg/London When did you start writing?A long time ago, it was the early 90s. During my teenage years graf was something…
Name: ZoroCrew: Copenhagen OldstarsCity/country: Copenhagen, Denmark When did you start writing: I started writing in the early 80’s when I saw ”Style Wars” for the first time. I saw…
Incredible video! Great job!