Somnambulism [som-nam-byuh-liz-uh-m] Noun: A condition that is characterised by walking while asleep or in a hypnotic trance. ‘Somnambulists’ is a six part film series…
Name: ZoroCrew: Copenhagen OldstarsCity/country: Copenhagen, Denmark When did you start writing: I started writing in the early 80’s when I saw ”Style Wars” for the first time. I saw…
Name: Azit Crews: FK (Forever Kids) MSI (Men’s Secret Identity) City/Country: Copenhagen, Denmark When did you start writing? 1994 What’s graffiti for you? Graffiti is…
The Celal gallery hosted artist Ken Sortais and bestiary for personal varnishing entitled “Les Peregrinations De Si Atroce.” Graduate of Fine Arts in Paris, Ken Sortais…
Name: FritzCrew: BakedNotFried, P$..13City/Country: Australia When did you start writing?Started doing more than vandalism around 2001-02 i think. What’s graffiti for you?An obsession that took over my life…