The Film Photojournal of Society’s Disease


TRON: Being able to freeze a moment in time by taking a picture is an exceptional privilege sent down from the heavens above. Most of us take it for granted when we can easily reach into our pockets, whip out a cell phone and take pictures on the fly. While most of us grew up with analog 35mm cameras, some kids are growing up these days holding iPads and google searching how to wipe their asses before their parents get a chance to let ‘em know. Shooting film is an art form that has been around for decades and it all evolves one of our most prominent elements of life, light. When you press the shutter button on a 35mm camera, you are allowing your lens to open up and expose light on a piece of film, and through a chemical process, you can now reveal the light that was shed on that negative. Digital cameras work the same way more or less, but instead of film, you are shedding light onto a digital sensor, which uses 0′s and 1′s to transcribe that light into a photograph. Over here at Mook Life, we’ve been shooting an increasing amount of film. The look and feel of the picture simply can’t be duplicated, why? Because its 100% organic. You can always tweek the look of it through chemicals and exposure, but the light that went through that lens of yours will never be tampered with by a digital interpreter. Another thing about film cameras, is that you are unable to preview what your picture turned out like. When you have a roll of film in your camera, you have to ensure it makes it all the way to the last shot on the roll, rewind that bitch, develop it and hopefully at the end of the day, you have all the pictures you wanted. If you expose the film to light, you will lose your flicks. If your camera is busted, you might find that out the hard way after you’ve paid for development. So all in all, you gotta be very careful.

Long story short, we handed out a camera and a couple of rolls of film to a member of our fam to see what he could document while living his everyday life. Like every photographer should, he brought this camera everywhere he went and captured moments of the past so that he could share them with us today.

By all means, our homie isn’t a professional photographer by any means. However, he is a professional Broxetographer. His name is Society’s disease. You’ve seen that name before because he is responsible for some of the greatest posts on this website. He is a true All City Chilleur none the less. He’s always traveling the world in a state of non sobriety, re-enforcing his title of the middleweight drinking champ everywhere he goes. He carries that DDV proudly in any continent. This time around, he planned a trip to Europe in the summer, so it was no question that we wanted him to bring a film camera along with him. We gave him an Olympus Stylus point and shoot, a great camera for traveling and an all around great camera for every day use. He came back from Europe with some epic stories and later went on to take this camera to New Orleans. He joins us today to shed some more light on these photographs and to put some emphasis behind most of these pictures. Some flicks that he took were not featured in this post, because he contributed some to the Broxe Vol.1 zine. Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to Society’s diseases travel journal. HAARYOU!
Read more and check out loads of flix over here

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